4 Things You Need To Know About Hallux Varus

26 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Hallux varus is a deformity of your big toe joint. People with this deformity have misaligned big toe joints; the joint is turned outwards which makes the big toe point away from the second toe. Here are four things you need to know about this foot deformity.

What causes hallux varus?

In some cases, hallux varus is a congenital anomaly. This means that some people are born with the condition due to their genetics.

It's also possible to develop this deformity later in life. One possible cause of acquired hallux varus is surgery to remove bunions. Bunions are painful, bony bumps that form on your big toe joint, and during surgery to remove them, the joint or surrounding tendons may be damaged. This damage leads to hallux varus.

What are the symptoms of this condition?

The main symptom of hallux varus is very obvious: the big toe points away from the other toes, instead of pointing straight forward. However, there are lots of other symptoms, too. You may feel pain at the base of your big toe and may find that your big toe joint is stiff, leading to decreased range of motion. People with this condition may also suffer from instability, so you may have trouble keeping your balance and may trip or fall frequently.

Is hallux varus serious?

Hallux varus is uncomfortable and can make it hard for you to find shoes that fit well, but it's more than just an annoyance. People with this deformity are at risk of a variety of serious foot complications. For example, you may suffer from avascular necrosis (bone death) of the metatarsal head, the bone within your forefoot that connects to the big toe joint. The area may also become infected. Fortunately, you can avoid these complications by seeking prompt treatment for hallux varus.

How do podiatrists treat hallux varus?

The treatment for this condition will vary based on how severe your deformity is. In mild cases, your podiatrist may be able to correct the problem by splinting the affected toe. Splinting works by holding the toe in its proper position and training it to stay in place. In more serious cases, you may need surgery to correct your big toe joint; your podiatrist will let you know if this is necessary for you.

If your big toe points outwards, you may have hallux varus and should see your podiatrist right away.

For help form a local podiatrist, click this link http://www.yourfootdocs.com or do an online search.